The Monk Gembō in prayer
One of the six patriarchs of the Hossō School.
By the Sculptor Kōkei
Buddhist Sculpture — Wood — Date: 1189
Drawing made live from a sculpture of the exhibition: "Nara, Trésors Bouddhiques Du Japon Ancien."

Kinnara (also named Kendatsuba)
One of the eight supernatural guardians of the Buddha (Devas of the Eight Classes)
By a Sculptor from the Nara period, 734
Dry Lacquer — H150.50cm
Drawing made live from a sculpture of the exhibition: "Nara, Trésors Bouddhiques Du Japon Ancien."

Indian Patriarch Muchaku
By the Sculptor Unkei (Kamakura Period)
Buddhist Sculpture — Painted Wood with Crystal Eyes — H 194 cm — Dated: +1208-1212.
Buddhist Sculpture — Painted Wood with Crystal Eyes — H 194 cm — Dated: +1208-1212.
Drawing made live from a sculpture of the exhibition: "Nara, Trésors Bouddhiques Du Japon Ancien."

Onigawara Tile
Onigawara (literally troll or goblin tiles) Roof Tile Temple sculpted like demon head
Onigawara came to prominence in Japan’s Kamakura period (1185 -1332)
Drawing made live from a sculpture of the exhibition: "Nara, Trésors Bouddhiques Du Japon Ancien."

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Drawing made live from a sculpture of the exhibition: "Nara, Trésors Bouddhiques Du Japon Ancien."

Indian Layman Yuima
Painted Wood — H89cm — Dated in 1196
By the sculptor Jōkei. A member of the Kei school.
Drawing made live from a sculpture of the exhibition: "Nara, Trésors Bouddhiques Du Japon Ancien."

Zōchō-ten, Guardian of the South
One of the four Celestial Kings.
Guarding of the South, of a set of four Shitenno (Guardian Figures)
Wood with polychrome, gold, and crystal — Kamakura period (1185-1333)
Drawing made live from a sculpture of the exhibition: "Nara, Trésors Bouddhiques Du Japon Ancien."